Monday, October 19, 2009

Under Pressure

If I haven't mentioned it so far, Lisa is a BIG lady. She's somewhere close to my weight and around a foot shorter, which sets her up for a veritable swarm of health problems. Several times she's called out because her legs or knees are too swollen to come in. It's the human equivalent of a bridge's supports buckling because of too many heavy trucks filled with frozen tv dinners rumbling overhead, followed by tankers carrying gigantic vats of McDonalds Sweet Tea.

Of course she can't be that heavy without incurring one of the biggest issues for the overweight. (pun intended) Yes folks, the ever alarming high blood pressure. This morning soon after her arrival, mere moments after her chair had stopped creaking and groaning, she informed me that tomorrow she'll be a half hour late coming in, because she'll be going to the doctors to have her blood pressure checked. It seems that they're worried, being alarmists and very concerned that her blood pressure this weekend was 194/150.

Lisa isn't worried though, because that's pretty low for her she says.

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