Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cleanliness is next to ridiculousness...

I suppose I need to come up with a pseudonym for my coworker, since I can't be calling her 'my coworker' at every turn. I'll go with Lisa, since that's nowhere near close to her actual name. Several times a week Lisa pops out in the morning to get something for breakfast, most often a bagel and cream cheese, possibly some lox as well.

Now Lisa is a self-proclaimed neat freak and germophobe, though if she's out of the office I have next to no chance of finding any outstanding paperwork in the muddled, vaguely organized mess in her drawers. This morning shortly after returning from her jaunt out to get some sustenance one of the cleaning ladies stopped by to drop off a handful of rubber gloves Lisa had requested to guard her hand against the vile germs that infest the subway. She thanked the cleaning lady and slid them into a drawer. Then, instead of simply closing the drawer she took out a large white plastic garbage bag.

Was she packing up some things to bring home? Tidying up around the office? Cleaning out our refridgerator? No. I turned in my chair to discover she had created a gigantic bib. Did she nip into the back room to eat? No, she sat at her desk in full view of the people coming in and out of the office. As I sat pondering what bizarre series of synaptic firings prompted this event which I was sure must be unique, she assured me this was a FREQUENT practice and that she did this when she went out to eat.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more ridiculous, she informed me that although people look at her like she's crazy, she insists they think she's smart for doing this.

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